Welcome to Friendship!
Thank you for your interest in Friendship Church.
We are a group of people that come together in fellowship to learn God's word and work toward a better relationship with God, our family, and the community. We believe that a life of worship and service is the path to true fulfillment and peace.
All are welcome! We open our hearts inviting all who will come to join us and share the joy that comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ.
What to Expect
At Friendship Church you will discover a warm group of real people dedicated to following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. From the moment you walk up to the building you can expect…
A Warm Greeting
Expect a heartfelt greeting. People who are truly glad to have you with us. No matter what question you might have just ask. Our greeters are there to help you get settled and comfortable.
Hot Coffee
There’s nothing like the smell of good coffee (or tea) to warm you up. Come a little early and have a cookie or a donut and make some new friends.
A casual atmosphere where friendships can form and relationships deepen. A place that is serious about joy, true joy, the kind of joy that comes from real connection with God and others. We are not perfect people. We are people seeking a happy, meaningful life. Come as you are. We don’t have a dress code. All are welcome!
Expect to be noticed. Expect people to say something like, “Hi, we haven’t met before, is this your first time?”. Expect for people to reach out to you in love.
We love music, all kinds of music with an emphasis on contemporary Christian music.
The Bible tells us to speak the truth in love. The Bible is God’s truth. At Friendship we seek to explore, understand and apply God’s truth to our lives at every level in a spirit of love. You will find a growing variety of resources to help you grow in God’s truth.
What We Believe
The Bible
The Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God for the Christian faith and living.
God the Father
That there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
God the Holy Spirit
In the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling every Christian is able to live a godly life
God the Son
In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father and His personal return in power and glory.
That all people are lost sinners and must return to Christ in saving faith and repentance for regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
Still Have Questions?
Contact us through the link below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can